Tests and Certifications
The CLOE Language Test
Gallico LCE is proud to be an official CLOE Test Centre.
The CLOE Language Test is offered in English, French, and a variety of other languages. It is taken online at the conclusion of your training with us. Rather than having a pass or fail outcome, the test provides a certification of your language proficiency level according to the CEFR scale (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, or C2).
Courses that include this certification are eligible for CPF funding, allowing you to use your CPF to cover the cost of your course.
Additionally, Gallico LCE can support you in preparing for other language certifications and help you find a nearby test center.
How does the exam work?
Additionally, Gallico LCE can assist you in preparing for various other language certifications and help you locate a test center in your area.
TOIEC (English)
TOEFL (English)
BULATS (English)
Cambridge Language Tests (English)
For any further information, or if you need help deciding which exam you need, don’t hesitate to contact us.